A Charter for equality at the University of Hassan II Casablanca


The University Hassan II Casablanca (UH2C) Charter for Equality was discussed in June 2018 during the 2nd Institutional Workshop of the Target project and it was unanimously adopted by the University Council which took place at the end of December 2018.

The Charter invites all institutions, organisations, authorities and stakeholders at UH2C to adhere and implement a set of measures to promote gender equality within the university. Among other measures, the Charter claims for the adoption of a quota for achieving gender balance in decision-making structures and bodies.

For the 2015-2017 term, the percentage of women on the University Council was 12% and 16% for the 2018-2020 term. These figures speak for themselves and show that greater work is needed in this area.

Equality charter for UH2C

Human rights as stated/proclaimed in the declarations and international agreements by the United Nations (UN) recognize equal rights between women and men. International human rights tools encourage countries to take the necessary measures to create a climate of equal rights for women and men.

In its strategy for embedding and developing human rights awareness, particularly women’s rights, Morocco has taken the steps to recognise and adhere to these international pacts. The country has thus ratified the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), now with some reservations.

As a result, many actions and initiatives have been carried out to amend the rights of women, particularly in the constitution, the family code, the Nationality Code, the Penal Code amongst others.

Despite the recognition of equal rights between women and men, inequality persists in both the private and the public sphere.
This inequality is apparent and can be found in many sectors, particularly in the Higher Education sector.
The data recently compiled in the Target project on the place of women in Hassan II University clearly echoes this inequality.

Women are underrepresented in major teaching and management positions: they represent 33% of the lowest grade teaching staff, and only 18% in the higher grades. For the 2015-2017 term, the percentage of women on the University Council was 12% and 16% for the 2018-2020 term.

Considering Article 19 of the Constitution repealed in 2011 which states that men and women shall equally enjoy civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights set forth in this title and in the other provisions of the Constitution as well as in international conventions and agreements duly ratified by the Kingdom, the Moroccan state works to achieve parity between men and women. To this end, an Authority for gender parity and the fight against all forms of discrimination has therefore been established.
Considering the involvement and the role of the women of the University Hassan II in both educational and research activities, considering the insubstantial representation of women in the structures and decision-making bodies of University Hassan II, University Hassan II Casablanca and representatives of the Target project have drawn up this charter.

Project partners invite all institutions, organisations, authorities and stakeholders at University Hassan II Casablanca to:

  1. Adhere to this charter;
  2. Work to embed and uphold equal rights;
  3. Promote the representation of women in decision making structures and bodies of the various establishments under the University by adopting a quota for women with a view to achieving and establishing parity;
  4. Support the involvement of women in research and outreach activities ;
  5. Encourage research on the subject of equal rights between women and men;
  6. Create research and training structures on equality;
  7. Abolish any act or communication that discriminates against women;
  8. Create communication tools for advocacy and awareness raising regarding equal rights;
  9. Organize events (congresses, seminars, conferences or workshops) on the subject of equality;
  10. Work towards the creation of a welcoming and monitoring committee with the aim of encouraging the orientation of female students towards the subjects with low representation of girls;
  11. Create sheltering structures/units for women (researchers, administrative staff and students) who are victims of discrimination or violence;
  12. Share the experience and results of the Target project with other universities at the national level.