The Fourth Institutional Workshop was held on February 24th 2020 at ARACIS, 59 Marasti Street, 011464 Bucharest in the Council Room, 1st floor, ARACIS Building. All participants presented themselves and stated their role in the workshop.
Barbara De MICHELI presented the project and the site of it, explained the importance of gender policies. The presentation of the project for the participants included: data, gender perspectives, curricula, identifying GEP and priorities, plans, implementing, work in progress, expected results.
A first round of discussions took place about:
- modalities of participation and involvement of universities in the project, the possibility of ARACIS to forward to the MoER proposals for gender policies and to be part of the European network that promotes this type of policies, the extent to which they can be introduced into national, European and international events;
- promoting and disseminating what universities actually do regarding gender policies.
A second round of discussions took place, where all the guests from universities presented their opinions, due to list of questions for the open discussions about stakeholder`s involvement within the projects, as follow:
1. Is the gender equality topic represented in the study programs and their curricula within your university
2. Is the gender equality topic represented at managerial and administrative level in your university? Are any provisions related to gender equality in the methodologies, regulations or procedures established at university level?
3. How do you think ARACIS could support the enhancement of gender equality policies, as well as the content of study programs in the field of gender equality? What about the internal quality assurance processes?
Based on those discussed, ARACIS should ask the universities for help regarding the modification of the Methodology, guides and standards may be eligible for gender policies. We will also propose an umbrella course on gender policies that we will disseminate to universities, a possibility could be its dissemination at future trainings for the evaluation of doctoral school. Expert Alina TĂRICEANU will make a formal Policy Paper that can be disseminated to universities. Setting up a working group that will include the TARGET ARACIS team and the professors from universities invited to today’s workshop to formulate a course on gender policies and how this can be introduced into the curriculum.
This working group is composed from: Expert Alina TĂRICEANU, Daniela – Mihaela ISPAS, Laura GRUNBERG – University of Bucharest, Măriuca CONSTANTIN – National University of Political Studies and Public Administration of Bucharest, Ioana DODI- National University of Political Studies and Public Administration of Bucharest, Florica PAȘOL – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest, Lia Lucia IONESCU – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest, Éva LÁSZLÓ – „Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Maria Nicoleta TURLIUC – Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Romanita JUMANCA – West University of Timișoara, Tamara CIOBANU student „Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Ana DUPLAVA student – „Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Valentina VASILE student – „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu.
The conclusion of the meeting was formulated by Prof. Cristina-Daniela GHIŢULICĂ, who underlined the importance of the composition of the Policy Paper from ARACIS and the dissemination of it to universities. Also, she insisted on the importance of the working group to formulate as clearly as possible the importance of introducing a course on gender policies in the university curriculum.