#Commit2Genderring, the Twitter campaign for the #8M2020

Commit to genderring campaign


TARGET participated in the #Commit2Genderring campaign on Twitter during the month of march to visibilize our partners commitments towards gender equality. This collaborative action has created further synergies between sister Horizon2020 EU projects on gender equality in Research and Innovation (R&I): GEECCO, ACT, SPEAR, GEARING ROLES, SUPERA , CHANGE, GENDER-NET, CALIPER, R&I PEERS, GENDER SMART, GE ACADEMY.

Se bellow all the banners diseminated during this Twitter campaign.

ARACIS National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) Advanced Studies (IHS)

ELIAMEP Hellenic Foundation of European and Foreign Policy

FRRB Lombardy Foundation for Biomedical Research

RIF Research and Innovation Foundation

RMEI Réseau Méditerraneen des Ecoles d’Ingénieurs et de Management

UB Belgrade University

UH2C Université Hassan II Casablanca (UH2C)