On Friday, 10 December 2021 the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), within the context of the research project TARGET, and with the support of the Turkey Programme and the South-East Europe Programme at ELIAMEP, organised an online workshop on ‘Integrating gender in studies on South-East Europe and Turkey’.
Despite the growth of gender studies in South-East Europe and Turkey, the gender dimension is not commonly integrated in the themes, approaches and methods of social science scholarship on these countries and regions. The purpose of this thematic workshop was to provide expert knowledge on how a gender perspective can be taken into account and enrich the study of politics, society, and economy in South-East Europe and Turkey. It also offered an opportunity for a discussion and exchange between gender studies experts and scholars working on the region.
Dia Anagnostou, Senior Research Fellow at ELIAMEP and Assistant Professor at Panteion University of Social Sciences, first introduced the event and discussed the TARGET project. The first panel on ‘Gender, politics and society in Turkey’ was chaired by Ioannis N. Grigoriadis, Senior Fellow and Head, Programme on Turkey, ELIAMEP, and Associate Professor at Bilkent University, and included the following two presentations: ‘Political Questions and Gendered Answers: Studying women and politics in Turkey’ by Yeşim Arat, Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Boğaziçi University, and ‘Mainstreaming Gender in Research on Social and Economic Policies in Turkey: Prospects and Challenges’ by Dilek Cindoglu, Professor of Sociology, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Kadir Has University.
The second part of the event moderated by Alexandra Voudouri, Research Associate, ELIAMEP, Correspondent of diplomatic affairs, Athina 9,84fm, and Editor, MacroPolis, concerned Gender in the study of East and Southeast Europe. Maria-Adriana Deiana, Lecturer/Assistant Professor in International Relations and Founding co-Director, Centre for Gender in Politics, Queen’s University Belfast presented on ‘How does gender matter in conflict, peace and security? Insights from the post-Yugoslav space’, and Katalin Fabian, Professor, Department of Government and Law, Lafayette College discussed ‘Gender and politics in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe’.
Further information is available here.