Advisory Board
The TARGET consortium is complemented by an advisory board composed of seven experts on gender and R&I from transnational networks of women in science. Two members of the advisory board with extensive experience with evaluation of equality policies in academia (e.g. evaluation of ADVANCE (USA), development of evaluation frameworks in GEDII and EFFORTi) will also provide feedback to the evaluation team.
- Gloria Boner (f) is the Director of the Department of Gender, Society and Policies of the Latin American Postgraduate Institute of Social Sciences (FLACSO Argentina).
- Sandra Laursen (f) is co-director of Ethnography & Evaluation Research (E&ER), she leads research and evaluation studies of education and career paths in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology.
- Jörg Müller (m) is currently senior researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 –UOC) in Barcelona, Spain where he forms part of the Gender and ICT research programme.
- Pat O’Connor (f) is professor of Sociology and Social Policy at University of Limerick, Ireland. Her current research interest is in the gendering of management and higher education, and more broadly in the gendering of organizations, leadership, excellence and careers.
- Elizabeth Pollitzer (f) was a founding member of Portia in 2001 and has been active in the gender and science field for over 15 years, leading Portia’s development and involvement in its national and international programmes.
- Roberta Schaller-Steidl (f) is head of the department “Gender and Diversity” at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research.
- Hayat Touchan (f) is Full Professor of Plant Physiology and Head of the Plant Physiology Laboratory at the Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University (Syria) and Senior Plant Physiology at the Faculty of Science, Pierre and Mary Curie University, Paris, France.