Gender Equality Strategy adopted by the General Assembly of RMEI 

Gender Equality Strategy adopted by the General Assembly of RMEI 

28.03.2019 The member-universities of the Mediterranean Network of Engineering Schools (RMEI), represented by Deans, Directors and professors, have unanimously endorsed the Gender Equality Statement (GES) that was developed in the frame of TARGET in the General Assembly of the Network, on March 27 2019, at Sapienza University, in Rome. The GES complies with the vision for a […]

Presentation of TARGET project at the 1st ACT International Synergy Conference

Presentation of TARGET project at the 1st ACT International Synergy Conference

26.02.2019 At the 1st ACT International Synergy Conference celebrated in Brussels on 25th February 2019, Anastasia Zabaniotou, Professor at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and board member of the Mediterranean Network of Engineering Schools (RMEI) partner in the TARGET project, presented her experience of creating a Community of Practice to effect change by working on […]