Taking a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for institutional Transformation
Target Videos
How a strong institutional commitment can facilitate the implementation of a GEP
Paola Bello, Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB), explains how a strong institutional commitment can facilitate the implementation of a Gender Equality Plan.
How the pandemic hit female researchers in Italy
Paola Bello, Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB), explains how the Covid-19 pandemic hit female researchers in Italy, and why taking into account gender equality is so important when political decisions are taken.
Gender equality must be a priority
Marina Gerini, Director of Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB), explains why her organisation decided to embark on Target project.
Working on gender equality as a sustainable development goal
Anastasia Zabaniotou explains how Target project was a very useful tool in implementing a gender equality strategy at the Mediterranean Network of Engineering Schools (RMEI)
Joining the Target project starting from gender studies
Daša Duhaček explains why she personally chose to join the Target project as a professor of the University of Belgrade.
How a gender equality strategy can create joy
Anastasia Zabaniotou explains how implementing a Gender Equality Strategy at the Mediterranean Network of Engineering Schools (RMEI) created joy and satisfaction between people.
Putting gender equality on the agenda
Alina Tariceanu explains why the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) decided to join Target project.
An opportunity to undertake a comprehensive discussion
Mina Bettach explains how Target project represented an opportunity to undertake a comprehensive discussion at the Hassan II University of Casablanca (UH2C).
Implementing a gender equality strategy in a network of universities
Anastasia Zabaniotou explains what did it mean to implement and design a Gender Equality Strategy at the Mediterranean Network of Engineering Schools (RMEI).
Formulating a gender equality policy within an organisation
Dia Anagnostou explains why the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (Eliamep) decided to join Target project.
Three steps for a gender equality plan
Mina Bettach explains what have been the main points of the Hassan II University of Casablanca (UH2C) Gender Equality Plan.
Promoting gender equality at the University of Belgrade
Daša Duhaček explains what are the main points of the University of Belgrade’s gender equality strategy.
How people can become more aware of gender within an institution
Alina Tariceanu explains what kind of changes the Gender Equality Strategy is bringing within the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS).
A chance to reflect on gender equality within an organization
Marina Gerini, Director of Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB) tells how Target project can be considered as a chance to reflect on gender equality within an organization.
Implementing a gender equality plan
Alina Tariceanu explains how the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) implemented a Gender Equality Plan, and which are the main points of the plan.
Main points of Eliamep’s gender equality strategy
Dia Anagnostou explains what have been the main goals and the specific actions of the gender equality strategy at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).
Changes regarding gender equality are slow to happen
Daša Duhaček explains how the changes regarding gender equality are slow to happen in any community and in which way the University of Belgrade is managing to achieve objectives and results.
How the scientific community has been involved
Marina Gerini, Director of Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB) explains how the scientific community has been involved in Target project.
Towards a new awareness about the issue of gender equality
Dia Anagnostou tells how the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (Eliamep) is moving towards a new awareness about the issue of gender equality.