On June 1st 2018, the second Institutional workshop for the members of the University of Belgrade within the Horizon 2020 TARGET Project was held in Belgrade. The workshop included the presentation of current phase and next steps to the targeted (selected) members of the Community of Practice.
The presentation was held at the Rectorate building of the University of Belgrade in the presence of eleven persons – representatives of each of the faculty group members of the University of Belgrade.
This workshop was envisioned as a highly participative process in which all of the present participants got the opportunity to share their experience of gender equality related issues at the University of Belgrade and share their views on the draft of the first Gender Equality Plan for University of Belgrade.
Formal obligations. The vice rector and coordinator of the TARGET project for University of Belgrade, professor Ivanka Popovic presented the TARGET project, with particular focus on University of Belgrade’s formal obligations toward Horizon 2020.
Drafting and adopting the gender equality plan. Also, along with the two other target team members, Vladimir Markovic and Vladimir Mikic, the vice-rector repeated some of the main conclusions from the Gender Equality Audit conducted previously and presented the future steps in drafting and adopting the first Gender Equality Plan at the level of University of Belgrade.
Self-reflective approach. Milica Mirazic, also part of the TARGET project team and representative from the project partner organisation (Barcelona, Spain) and Maria Caprile, from the organisation NOTUS (Barcelona) elaborated on the specificity of TARGET self-reflective approach.
Gender inequality in academic contexts. Significant part of the workshop was dedicated to present members of the Community of Practice, representatives of each of the four faculty groups (social sciences and humanities, medical sciences, sciences and mathematics and technology and engineering sciences), sharing their experience with gender (in)equality in their academic contexts.
Gender equality plans. One of the participants was Aleksandra Drecun, the President of Harvard Club of Serbia, member of two EC DG Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Program Committees. Her experience with implementation and monitoring of gender equality plans was very valuable for the group discussion that was mainly focused on the activities set in the first draft of the Gender Equality Plan, previously shared with all the participants.
One on one meeting. After the plenary session a one on one meeting was held between the University of Belgrade and NOTUS representatives. During the meeting the details of the Gender Equality Plan were discussed, as well as the next steps of adopting a Gender Equality Plan and developing a monitoring plan.
Next workshop. The date of the next Institutional Workshop will depend on the implementation of the activities set in the Gender Equality Plan and will be agreed upon later.