In January 2021, ELIAMEP issued a publication in Greek on Gender Equality Plans (GEPs), based on the three tools developed within TARGET (gender equality audit, designing a GEP, and monitoring and self-assessment). This publication aims to raise awareness about the value of a GEP and provide guidance on how to initiate and implement it
The publication builds on the Greek legislative developments in the course of 2019, which for the first time refers to GEPs as key tools that can be used by public and private organisations to promote gender equality. The Article 21 of Law 4604/2019 on “Promoting substantive equality between the sexes and combatting gender-based violence” establishes that organisations that adopt a GEP may be rewarded with an “Equality Badge” (Sima Isotitas) by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE, Greece’s main public body responsible for implementing gender equality policy). Furthermore, another law of 2019 which aims at the restructuring of some universities, includes an article that for the first time provides for the establishment of Committees for Gender Equality (CGE) in all Greek universities (4589/19, Article 33). It envisions such committees as consultative bodies to assist the university administration in its efforts to promote gender equality. One of the main responsibilities of the CGEs is to develop Action Plans to promote substantive equality in the educational, research and administrative structures of higher education institutions.
The publication will be widely disseminated among the extended network of academics and researchers, with which ELIAMEP is closely connected.