The gender dimension in teaching content

University Hassan II, Casablanca

A workshop on the gender dimension in teaching content was held on 8th April 2021 at the University Hassan II Casablanca. It is one of the few universities in Morocco with gender research structures providing Master and PhD courses. 

The objective of the workshop was to open a debate at the university in order to consolidate the gender dimension in teaching and research, taking advantage of the current discussions on the content of the curricula within the framework of the new study system currently proposed (Bachelor) ,in particular related to soft skills.. The workshop was organized by the TARGET team in collaboration with the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences Ben M’sik, Pr. Mohamed Albi and the Heads of the different gender programmes of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Ain Choc, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Mohammedia and Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences Ain Choc. 

The main recommendations that emerged from this study day were:

  • Establish an equality policy at the University, considering the adopted Charter of Equality as acquired, and see how to apply it
  • Establish a clear common framework for gender teaching, knowing that there is already a common declaration signed by the ex-president of UH2C and several deans which could constitute a starting point
  • Raise awareness among students and teachers to legitimize the gender approach (para-university activities; conferences, art, cinema, literature, etc.)
  • Offer training that integrates gender into different courses by adopting a participatory approach
  • Introduce transversal modules on gender
  • Set up support actions for teachers; considering that the generalization of the gender approach can only be undertaken if colleagues do it voluntarily
  • Digitize doctoral or thesis projects
  • Request the allocation of resources specific to these activities
  • Set up a support committee for teachers to monitor the operations of setting up modules or courses relating to gender (committee of 4 or 5 experts)