Gender Equality Strategy adopted by the General Assembly of RMEI 

Gender Equality Strategy adopted by the General Assembly of RMEI 

28.03.2019 The member-universities of the Mediterranean Network of Engineering Schools (RMEI), represented by Deans, Directors and professors, have unanimously endorsed the Gender Equality Statement (GES) that was developed in the frame of TARGET in the General Assembly of the Network, on March 27 2019, at Sapienza University, in Rome. The GES complies with the vision for a […]

Third Target institutional workshop in Marseille

Third Target institutional workshop in Marseille

27.01.2019 The third RMEI TARGET institutional workshop took place on 25th January 2019 at the Ecole Central in Marseille, France. Participants were the TARGET working group members, Angela Wroblewski (TARGET coordinator), Maria Caprile (TARGET partner, Notus Applied Social Research, Barcelona) and Leo Vincent (Honorary RMEI president). The workshop was very successful. The Gender Equality Strategy […]